Thursday 31 December 2015

The Season - 2016 is Your Appointed Time of Harvest

Just one day to go until we enter into a brand new year, 2016, and believe me, a new dawn is coming in our lives. It is a period of harvest, and like a farmer, who sowed seeds on a fertile ground, a time will come when he or she will begin harvesting. This is the season we all want to experience.

It is a time of joy, and also a time to take stock of our individual accomplishments, those things we have put in place that are yet to yield fruits, and others we have unfortunately missed out on. In so doing, you either result to regrets or feel a sense of exhilaration at the what is, what may have been, and what lies deep in the horizon.

Besides all of these feelings and emotional ramblings which often overwhelms the mind, there's one thing that you must take into cognizance at all times, and this is to with TIME or SEASON.'

As they say, "everything has a season." This is so true, and it is one that rings true even in my personal and professional life, as well. 

A perfect quote which summarises the subject matter was written by Henry Cloud, who said that, "Everything has seasons and we have to be able to recognise when something's time has passed, and be able to move into the next season. Everything that is alive requires a pruning as well, which is a great metaphor for endings."
What are you going through this minute? Are things going the way you plan them or perhaps, you have implemented a dream of yours that seems not to be going the way you planned? Are you expecting a breakthrough in your life, and wonder if it is ever going to materialise? You see, often we find ourselves in uncomfortable situations in life, and consequently, we feel a sense of discombobulation, delusion and disenfranchisement. But, what if I tell you that this is a normal transition in our learning in life's voyage.

Transitions are difficult and testing times. It is is a period that separates the men (or women) from the boys (or girls), and one which demands only the matured and resilient at heart. Put, simply, there is a season for everything. When your season comes, it will become apparent, and magical. All the pieces of the puzzle will begin to fall into place without much effort from you. This is a period to relish, because, in the same manner that it came, it can easily dissipate into the thin air. Today, it is here, tomorrow, it is gone.

How to sustain your season?

Let's take the case of the former heavy weight boxing champion of the world, Iron Mike Tyson. In his prime he was unstoppable. In fact, in many encounters with numerous formidable opponents, he decimated them all. I'm sure during that period, if he had been told that he would lose to an opponent in the person of Lennox Lewis and the likes, he wouldn't have believed it and simply shrugged it off. As you can understand, that was his time or should I say, his season of monumental achievements and rightly so, things were happening as a confirmation.

The question in our minds would be, if he indeed was able to sustain that season? I think he did, for as long as it lasted. At the age of 20 he became the youngest heavy weight boxing champion of the world against Trevor Berbick, on November 1986. However, after many issues relating to his life and personal conducts he lost both substantial amounts of money and numerous fights. In a nutshell, he was unable to sustain his season when the harvest was unquestionably plentiful.

To sustain a season, one must be focused, diligent, determined, and above all, prayerful. One minute, it is your season, the next minute, it disappears and you start to question or try to retrace the issues and wonder if you could have done something to remediate the situation that has led to you losing out on that very moment.

No sane mind plan to fail, but, we must all do the needful to keep our dreams alive and strategise to take those aspirations to the next level, so to ignite the next mind that will revolutionise your idea(s).

The year 2016 can be your season, if you will it and put it in prayer. There is nothing our CREATOR cannot do. I prayer for more fruitful seasons to come in your life, as you work and put your thoughts together and keep improving and imbibe the culture of working SMART.

I am not a believer in the saying that, "All fingers are not equal."

We can all be wealthy.
We can all be geniuses.
We can all impact the world with our gifts and talents.
We were all born to shine.
We were all born to lead.
We were all born to multiply and dominate.
We were not born to be subdued and live in perpetual enslavement.
We were all purposely and beautifully created without limits to our destinies.

So, stop thinking so low of yourselves and prepare for your season NOW.

Have a wonderful and prosperous 2016 and beyond.

(c) Dr Dickson Aleroh 

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Damned If You Do, Fail If You Don't

Too many times, so many brilliant ideas would pop up to mind, and I think gosh!!! That's a fantastic one, I think I will invest more time to explore them further, and wait for the outcome. However, most times, I never get to it, and I ask myself, what if I did look more closely into those seemingly game-changing ideas whenever they come to mind, and take them a step further? You see, as humans, we are perpetually enslaved by the common fear of the 'unknown.' And until we take that risky leap of faith and dive into the deep end, we will never unveil what secrets lies beneath (that is, the UNKNOWN). 

As a young PhD student, I often device some pretty crazy ideas, which I use a subject in conversations with my colleagues. On a given day, I asked one of my colleagues a question, and it was to do with the air we breathe in. I said that I would love to own a company whose primary activity was to engage in the isolation and sale of fresh air in sealed bottles. To make the idea sound even more outlandish, I stated that I would also like to have a monopoly on the air we breathe in and seek for a global licence to do it. Immediately, he turned around with a hugely perplexing look on his face, and said, you are one crazy dude. I responded that it was feasible and not something that could be assigned to the pages of a fictional book. 

The truth of the matter is that, I truly believed in my idea, but, maybe not to the extent of owning a monopoly on our air intake. Today, I was astonished to discover that a company in Canada had just sold out on their caned air to the government of China, due to the unbearable level of pollution currently being experienced in the country. Then, it suddenly dawned on me that this company could have been mine, if only I had put my crazy idea into motion at the time. That way, I would have avoided any regrets in the end.

Is there something you would like to do in 2016? Perhaps, you have an idea that's just seating in your mind waiting to be explored? Today, I am encouraging you to go for it. Where you are today is as a result of either your actions or inactions of yesterday. Why leave what you can do today until tomorrow and allow 'Mr Procrastination,' to deprive you of the adventure and joy of discovering what is on the other side? You see, there's is no harm in trying. What do you have to lose? After all, you are damned if you do or fail if you don't. 

(c) Dr Dickson Aleroh

Friday 18 December 2015


Look around you, at your place of work, on the high street near you, on your favourite social media. What do you see? I'll tell you what I often observe. I see people putting on their best appearance and mannerism for all to see, because, we are all weary of the judgement of others, either you want to believe it or not. Now, what if I tell you that this human behaviour can be ascribed to an innate need within us all. You see, the human mind is wholly unpredictable, hence, the constant need to want to change. One moment, we are doing one thing and the next minute, we are doing something entirely different. This is completely normal, and the need I alluded to earlier is for the betterment of our current state or an aspect of our lives that seems to be going pear-shaped.

This is the essence of the topic 'Changing Poses.' How many times have you devised an idea that seemed like a game-changer? And in exhilaration, you screamed yay!!! I've got it! I've got it!!! That's it. Then, as time passes by, when you've had more time to gather your thoughts, and ponder on it in detail, you begin to see some grey areas that suddenly puts you off taking the original idea to the next level of implementation. Then you thought, nah, it won't work, not this time around or I don't have the resources to accomplish the envisaged level of investment.

So, you go about your day job until the next big idea creeps up, and causes you to change gear. Once again, you find yourself doing the same analysis as in previous cases. This happens over and over again, causing you to change over and over again. This is what I call, 'the many stripes of self-discovery for a better you.'

Many a times, I have devised and embarked on a few business ventures, and as you may agree, it is not all ideas that will often transform into that big earner for you or bring about the break you vie for. In fact, I have become accustomed to exploring more of my ideas than ever, even if none of them yield any success at first. But, this you will never know until you try. You will never find yourself that place of fulfilment and financial freedom if you don't take risks and make mistakes. The later may be costly at first, but, in the long run, after the pain has waned you will discover that it is just a normal part of the journey to success, whatever it means to you.

So, as you can see, changing poses is not bad after all. I want to encourage you not to give up trying and putting forward your best for the world to admire and learn from. After all, no experience is ever wasted.

© Dr Dickson Aleroh

Thursday 17 December 2015


This morning I woke up, and each time I do, something always comes to mind. I notice that the pillow is the first item on the bed that I am often drawn to, even before I get off the bed. Today, as I began tucking the pillow into the cotton case, I started thinking of what often happens to many dreamers and people with aspirations, today.       
How many times have you thought of a brilliant idea with such invigorating passion and excitement, then the next minute your attention is discombobulated by some unrelated activity. In so doing, you discover that your original idea get swept under the carpet by 'mister procrastination and misses I can't be bothered.' This is 'the Pillowcase Effect,' and we all suffer from it, including, myself.

Many a times, I come up with something brilliant, the next minute, I get distracted, and such distraction I discover weakens the intensity of the excitement one feels when the original thought dissipates. This is normal, but, should it be? Don't tuck your dreams, aspirations and ideas into the pillowcase, no matter what circumstances you are presented with.

The Reason for Falling Prey to the Pillowcase Effect

Now, I ask, why do people assume such regressive mentality when it pertains to pushing forward their own ideas? You many have your reasons, as we all do. But, dare I say that, you can do better than that." A place of comfort is a false state that will not only limit you, but, kill your ability to harness your mental prowess towards creative thinking."

Most of us are comfortable working for others and building their dreams, because, it brings us a sense of satisfaction and security. We often ask ourselves, where is the money to pay for housing, mortgage, phone bill, energy bill, feeding or what have you, going to come from, if I leave my current job and pursue my own venture? Where would I get the start-up capital from? I can go on. The truth of the matter is that, people with such rigid way of thinking will always keep complaining about their apparent  lack of fulfilment, financial freedom and happiness, because, they refuse to do the necessary, which I must confess, is not easy at all..  

Tucking your ideas into the pillowcase may seem convenient, but not without risk as you may think. Have you thought about what happens if you are suddenly made redundant at your place of work? Or become too ill to work? You are immediately at a lose, whilst your employer maintains his or her advantageous position. Now, think of it this way, if you had spent some quality time building your own business alongside your day job, if any of the above happens, you won't be vulnerable or fall into a state of dichotomy.

So, the choice is yours. Invest in your dreams no matter the complexities that may arise or simply tuck them into the pillowcase, never to be seen again. "A word they say is enough for the wise."

© Dr Dickson Aleroh.

Sunday 12 July 2015

The Buck Stops with You

There are two different categories of people in the world today. There are those who cultivates the mindset of 'can do,' and another group who constantly imbibe the spirit of entitlement, which I call, the 'can't-do and won't-dos,' of the world. The latter are often under the misapprehension that the world owes them something, anything, and everything.

            Those with such mundane outlook on life will always live within their comfort zone, because, any time they step out of it, they suddenly become apprehensive, and lose their sense of security. These are the people who bosses of many corporations feed off. The sense of deepened dependence on their jobs keeps them cuffed and imprisoned for many decades until retirement. And suddenly reality sets in, when they are due to be discarded or as many will call it, 'retirement,' they discover that they have spent their whole lives fulfilling their boss's dreams and aspirations, and have forgone theirs. Is it reality worth it? Many would ask! The truth of the matter is that, truly, you possess the key to your destination in life, and the way you utilise that key is highly imperative to your happiness and fulfilment in life.

            The can-dos are always on the go, the so called, 'go-getters and risk takers,' and ready to challenge themselves to get to the next level in their quest for fulfilment and independence. After all, if we are simply presented with everything we desire in life on a platter of gold, won't that be boring and regressive? Every time you desire a car, a new clothing, that holiday or anything else, it is given to you without having to shed a drop of sweat for it. If this what you yearn for, then you are not living a life of purpose.

            For example, in the world today, countries who are wealthier often donate in the form of AID to both developing and undeveloped countries. Such aids are often mismanaged, and end up in the pockets of corrupt officials. Many years later, you discover that, those countries in receipt of these AIDs are yet to develop, as expected, despite the alms they receive on a yearly basis. This is because, they lack the can-do attitude to take their own destiny into their hands and do the needful, to get them out of the AID-receiving mentality. Another sorry aspect of this, is that, those giving the AID have the wiping stick in their hand, to decide on big issues that often the decide fate of the receiver.  

            The same applies to humans. When you are accustomed to soliciting, and receiving help of any form, from external sources, you become complacent, lacklustre, and nonchalant. Unbeknown to the perpetrator that he or she is slowly veering unto the path of perpetual failure. If you find yourself in such state of mind, courage is the key, and break away from it. Take stock of your current position and situation in life, think of how you got there, in the first instance, and then begin to list your ideal expectations in a diary. Remember to be honest and realistic with yourself when doing the latter, and you will discover a whole lot about yourself and your inner eyes will be open to new realities and possibilities you never know existed before.

            In so doing, you will begin to emerge from the can't-do mindset to a state where you can only see actualisation of possibilities. New ideas will begin to flow through, and fundamentally, the once shattered outlook you had about yourself will transform into one of confidence. Sometimes, by simply thinking positively and enthusiastic about your future prospects, makes one less anxious and place them in a state of wholeness.  

"Remember that, a mind that is full of uncertainty, will always wander and forfeits imagination for the lesser things of life. But, great is the reward of the mind who constantly reinvents itself, and cultivates something from nothing."

            Instead of thinking of job! job! job! And be enslaved for the rest of your life, while, deceiving yourself that you are contributing to the bigger picture, start developing your own alongside what you call you day job, pioneer the next big idea, and find your way to both mental and financial independence. You will be making a huge difference to the world at large and carving your name in stone of history. For instance, if the founders and pioneers of multinational corporations like, Sony, Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, General Electric, and Banks, Social Media Platforms, Hospitals, automobile and aircraft manufacturers, and many more, simply decided to work and not think outside the box, I wonder what form of civilisation would be in existence today.

            Yes, many would say, but, 'someone has to do it,' and I agree. But, make a conscious decision to shine and not sit amongst the crowd and be in the group of - someone has to do it. I have decided in my youth to create a path that will guarantee that when my evening comes (metaphorically speaking), I will be at ease with myself, and feel a sense of real fulfilment of purpose. And of course, this won't be easy, but, I can assure you that if you want it the easy way, you will lead a very difficult life in the end. Wherever you end up in life, the BUCK STOPS WITH YOU!

Monday 25 May 2015

Master Limitations and Be Unstoppable

"Imitation births limitation. Try to be the best version of yourself. Because, therein lies the springboard towards leading a life totally devoid of limits." 

As many of you reading this life-transforming message today may already know, we all have been victim of some type of limitation(s) at some stage in our lives. But, somehow we still move on with our daily undertakings, without bothering too much about the subconscious impacts of these limitations. 

While some limitations are visible, other simply aren't. In fact, the percentage of the population reeling from the pernicious effects of internal limitations far outweigh those suffering from visible limitations. That is not to say that one is more severe than the other. As is the nature humans, our general composition in all its meaning, vary distinctly. In other words, what may matter to me, may not be an issue for another suffering the same fate. 

Q.What's the nature of your perceived limitations? How have they shaped both your social and work life? Why are you allowing those limitations to control you? Is there a realistic chance that you can be liberated from them? 

Well, I can begin to answer the aforementioned questions myself, but, I won't. If you have been or currently being plagued by limitations, such as; fear (fight or flight syndrome), attitude (can't do; never do), poor personal outlook, excuses (procrastination), belief and confidence issues, defects, lack of focus, mental laziness, introversion, uncertainty or what have you, then its high time to take ACTION. 

To become one with yourself, is to be rid of limitations and attain a state where you are genuinely fulfilled and happy. For this to happen, you must stop the blame game and self-victimisation, and do some soul searching. You do this by asking yourself some preying questions that will help bring forth the peace within. 

Based on personal experiences, this enemy called, "limitation," controlled my life from childhood and almost destroyed me. Its effects were so severe, that, I thought of completely isolating myself away from the entire world. When confronted with a social situation, I often shy away from conversing with strangers, because, I was too sensitive and concerned about their perception of me. Maybe, I should have ignored these negative feelings, and, heeded the voice of reasoning on the inside a bit more. But, the state of mind I was in, would not allow me at the time. I'm sure that I am not alone on this one!

My limitations were ignored, instead, I worked on my external appearance, in hope that somehow, those negative voices will someday go away, and I will become more likeable with a sense of belonging. Low and bold, the results were short-lived. It was not until I decided to take ACTION, and train my subconscious, that I began to heal. 

Dear reader, I want to encourage you that, it doesn't matter what you are going through right now. if you are willing to make some painful, but, necessary sacrifices, and take that bold step towards alleviating those hang-ups that has served as a bottleneck to your destiny and purpose, then you will certainly win and become unstoppable in all areas of your life. I did it, so can you!

#TheJourneyOfLife #LifeWithoutLimits

Saturday 2 May 2015

World of Possibilities

Image result for world of possibilities

The world is an oyster to many, and to some, a place to make your mark and achieve the best you can. To me, I see the world differently, and I think you should, as well. Take a trip down memory lane, no matter how young or old you are. Do you remember that one moment when happiness seems to be endless and dreams, boundless? Maybe a point in time when you had almost no care in the world. Truth be told, we all want to be happy, successful and accomplished in life. I see no reason why we can't all achieve these and other desires in our heart, if the opportunity presents itself.

            Take a good look around you, and see if you notice anything of interest? Not just looking on the surface, you need to take a deeper insight at what you observe. There are boundless avenues all around your surroundings to tap into. Certainly, you can get what you yearn for or should I say, deserve in your hearts of heart, if you are willing to take chances, grab the bull by the horn and run wild with it.

Image result for world of possibilitiesThat said, most people fear complexities whenever an opportunity is presented to them. This causes the need to begin to question ourselves, our capabilities, and financial positions, and not taking the time to focus on the solutions to the task before us. These questions I like to refer to as battle thoughts, which, sometimes destroys our ability to embark on anything in the first place. This is normal, but, nonetheless counter-productive to our goals in life.  

            Opportunities will always unveil themselves in different forms and from various outlets. Some quite obvious and simplistic, and others requiring a little more thought to get off the ground. The most pertinent thing is that we are able to conjure enough courage, boldness and foresight to comprehend the end-game. The latter is where that opportunity will lead you, and how far you can take it. Most billionaires, successful entrepreneurs and multinational corporations are opportunists. Where their competitors fail, they consistently succeed. This is the mindset we all need to harness all opportunities.

© Dr Dickson Aleroh (