Sunday 12 July 2015

The Buck Stops with You

There are two different categories of people in the world today. There are those who cultivates the mindset of 'can do,' and another group who constantly imbibe the spirit of entitlement, which I call, the 'can't-do and won't-dos,' of the world. The latter are often under the misapprehension that the world owes them something, anything, and everything.

            Those with such mundane outlook on life will always live within their comfort zone, because, any time they step out of it, they suddenly become apprehensive, and lose their sense of security. These are the people who bosses of many corporations feed off. The sense of deepened dependence on their jobs keeps them cuffed and imprisoned for many decades until retirement. And suddenly reality sets in, when they are due to be discarded or as many will call it, 'retirement,' they discover that they have spent their whole lives fulfilling their boss's dreams and aspirations, and have forgone theirs. Is it reality worth it? Many would ask! The truth of the matter is that, truly, you possess the key to your destination in life, and the way you utilise that key is highly imperative to your happiness and fulfilment in life.

            The can-dos are always on the go, the so called, 'go-getters and risk takers,' and ready to challenge themselves to get to the next level in their quest for fulfilment and independence. After all, if we are simply presented with everything we desire in life on a platter of gold, won't that be boring and regressive? Every time you desire a car, a new clothing, that holiday or anything else, it is given to you without having to shed a drop of sweat for it. If this what you yearn for, then you are not living a life of purpose.

            For example, in the world today, countries who are wealthier often donate in the form of AID to both developing and undeveloped countries. Such aids are often mismanaged, and end up in the pockets of corrupt officials. Many years later, you discover that, those countries in receipt of these AIDs are yet to develop, as expected, despite the alms they receive on a yearly basis. This is because, they lack the can-do attitude to take their own destiny into their hands and do the needful, to get them out of the AID-receiving mentality. Another sorry aspect of this, is that, those giving the AID have the wiping stick in their hand, to decide on big issues that often the decide fate of the receiver.  

            The same applies to humans. When you are accustomed to soliciting, and receiving help of any form, from external sources, you become complacent, lacklustre, and nonchalant. Unbeknown to the perpetrator that he or she is slowly veering unto the path of perpetual failure. If you find yourself in such state of mind, courage is the key, and break away from it. Take stock of your current position and situation in life, think of how you got there, in the first instance, and then begin to list your ideal expectations in a diary. Remember to be honest and realistic with yourself when doing the latter, and you will discover a whole lot about yourself and your inner eyes will be open to new realities and possibilities you never know existed before.

            In so doing, you will begin to emerge from the can't-do mindset to a state where you can only see actualisation of possibilities. New ideas will begin to flow through, and fundamentally, the once shattered outlook you had about yourself will transform into one of confidence. Sometimes, by simply thinking positively and enthusiastic about your future prospects, makes one less anxious and place them in a state of wholeness.  

"Remember that, a mind that is full of uncertainty, will always wander and forfeits imagination for the lesser things of life. But, great is the reward of the mind who constantly reinvents itself, and cultivates something from nothing."

            Instead of thinking of job! job! job! And be enslaved for the rest of your life, while, deceiving yourself that you are contributing to the bigger picture, start developing your own alongside what you call you day job, pioneer the next big idea, and find your way to both mental and financial independence. You will be making a huge difference to the world at large and carving your name in stone of history. For instance, if the founders and pioneers of multinational corporations like, Sony, Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, General Electric, and Banks, Social Media Platforms, Hospitals, automobile and aircraft manufacturers, and many more, simply decided to work and not think outside the box, I wonder what form of civilisation would be in existence today.

            Yes, many would say, but, 'someone has to do it,' and I agree. But, make a conscious decision to shine and not sit amongst the crowd and be in the group of - someone has to do it. I have decided in my youth to create a path that will guarantee that when my evening comes (metaphorically speaking), I will be at ease with myself, and feel a sense of real fulfilment of purpose. And of course, this won't be easy, but, I can assure you that if you want it the easy way, you will lead a very difficult life in the end. Wherever you end up in life, the BUCK STOPS WITH YOU!