Sunday 4 August 2013

Waiting for the Light at the End of the Tunnel

      Hope this meets you in good health wherever you are today. Many a times, we find ourselves suffering and struggling day-in-day-out, from one meaningless job to another. Sometimes, with no defined goal(s) in mind, but, persistent confusion, and delusions in the form of dreams that have become 'idle aspirations'. Amongst us today, especially those in the so called 'minority', are prolific make-believers with pretentious intents, and no tangible projection of where they want to be in the foreseeable future.  
          Now, if you plan to achieve positions of monumental significance in life, that would cause even your greatest adversary to 'take note', be it in your personal life, a career pursuit, or perhaps a business venture, then you need to comprehend and be willing to cultivate the virtue called 'PATIENCE'. It may sound simplistic, but the truth of the matter is that the majority of individuals in the present day still lack or are often unwilling to embrace this life changing quality.
          You see, life, like many areas of our existence, is a process which holds great mysteries that only those with an unflinching focus will understand. Not only focus, but, a gift of discernment of things that are not immediately apparent to the common mind. I don't know about you, but, to me the understanding of tricks of life greatly excites me, and is one of the secret keys to progressiveness.
          Life is always in the habit of testing us to the extent that we sometimes feel the need to cave in (that is, 'Your Threshold'), and no matter which part of the world you reside in, the story is often similar (fact!). Moreover, if you find yourself in mundane situations, which bears the hallmarks of destitution, be not weary.
          All things happen for a reason, and nature [God Almighty] has purposed it to be so. I am a living witness of this, as many of you are. In fact, we are all in this cocoon of persistent struggle and directionless existence, from which we must all break free, and begin ascending to that place to contentment.

          Be that as it may, sufferings, struggles, pains, and diverse trials will come your way. However, this is to strength your character and to prepare you for the victories that lay ahead. This is the light at the end of the tunnel, and one which we all have to wait for. Many today have given up, and in most extreme cases, committed suicide, before the final whistle goes off. Unbeknown to them that, victory is only a step ahead, and very much within reach.
          Beloved, there is always light at the end of every tunnel of difficulty you find yourself. It could be that you want to be in a special place, attain a better position, live a fulfilling life, get a better job, transform your failing business into a profitable one, enhance your personal image, defy people's perception about you, be rid of insecurities, or other areas, which may all seem unattainable at first.

          But, remember that your creator has created you with a definitive purpose, whose course cannot be altered by irrefutable antagonism and obstacles. So, be thankful for your current situation, stay focused, learn to improvise, work harder, keep seeking opportunities without fear of rejection, and above all, exercise patience in the knowledge that God has purposed you to succeed in the face of sure defeat.
          May God Almighty continue to expand our wisdom, and understanding of the mysteries of life, so we can best make use of the knowledge we have come to know.
By Dr Dickson Aleroh

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