Sunday 30 June 2013

Importance of life's Parallels

Do you know that all around us are innumerable parallels, which have been deliberately fashioned to ensure an equilibrium in the way things operate in the universe. You may ask, why is this important to me? Well, the answer is simply to aid our comprehension of the reasons why things are the way they are and why some events [tragedies, poverty, dissension, pain, death, failure, illness, wars and the others] are inevitable, and no amount of methodical preparation can avert them. 

You may think you know it all, but there are things that only heavenly knowledge can reveal to you. For starters, pay careful attention to those things that seem apparent and those that requires an intricate study. Everything you see around you, is not what they seem (think about it). 

Not all people can be successful and indeed, we are not all destined to fail. Do you know that there is need for good and evil to co-exist alongside each other, despite their extremities? Have you ever wondered why you experience a period of suffering and then increase? Why are there ups and downs in your life? Are these for a purpose? Yes, of course. As the saying goes, "there is no smoke without fire". In the same light, certain parallels exist in life to establish an equilibrium in the status quo. 

To every problem, there is always a solution. But, there are secrets you need to understand, that will give you that competitive advantage to add to your winning formula today.

Want to know more? Then watch out for my book (coming soon).

Stay bless and be motivated.  

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