Sunday 26 May 2013

What's Your Unique Selling Point (USP)

Over the years, I have often wondered why there are disparities in levels of success, wealth, and influence amongst many individuals (or corporations) in sometimes similar fields. Stop pondering, because the reasons are complex, but, the collective complexities can be traced down to the lack of USPs or the inability to harness them if known. Moreover, the same applies to people in various echelons of the society we live in today.

The term "unique selling point (a.k.a unique selling proposition - USP)" was first coined by the "so called" pioneer of television advertising, Rosser Reeves in the 1940s. In fact, the term USP was a marketing concept widely used in the business world, and is purposed to aid consumers to make informed decisions whether or not to purchase a particular product(s), based on a number of distinctive benefits highlighted in adverts by competing brands. Thus, a poorly advertised product would inadvertently have adverse repercussions on the company's hard-earned reputation, and ultimately undermine the likelihood of prospective customers to ever patronise them in the future. This highlights the imperativeness of knowing and harnessing one's USPs when presented with the opportunity.

Similarly, the same applies to individuals from various social and cultural persuasions, who rarely utilise this concept to their advantage at job interviews, business engagements, social interactions, relationships (dating), and other areas. Believe it or not, if you don't know your USPs and how best to use them effectively, then I'm afraid to say that you are at a disadvantage.

First impressions they say, last longer. So, ask yourself this question, what are those noticeable features, qualities, skills or attributes, which sets you apart from others? What makes you stand out from the crowd? Are you a leader or a follower? Surprisingly, your USP can be something as trivial as an overwhelmingly beautiful smile, your carriage, your mannerism, or even your fashion style.

What can we learn from nature? Do you know that "cooking" is one of many key skills that is unique only to humans? Why is it that no other creature has been able to master this vital capability? Without such skill, we would all be predominantly vegans, cannibals or both, as most animals in the wild are today. Therefore, cooking is an example of our collective USP.

How can you identify your USP? Have you attempted to discover your USP or do you already have one (or more) that you would like to further enhance? Interestingly, we are all unique in different ways. Unfortunately, while others are experts, some individuals are not natural in harnessing their God-given USPs to their advantage. If you find yourself in this category, you should seriously begin by engaging yourself more often. In other words, get to know those things about yourself that you are complemented on the most, and when you are confident enough, you should start mastering and displaying them more in various situations. This is what I call your "vantage point".

During the 2008 US presidential election, Barack Obama generated such huge buzz, after coming from an underdog to a clear favourite. Nevertheless, he was not elected because he was the smartest of all the candidates who stood for election that year, but, simply due to the fact that he was able to allow his UPSs to shine through, and as a result we were all immediately captivated by his unrivalled presentation skills, distinctive smile, swagger, humble upbringing, integrity, and likeable personality. He is now arguably the most recognisable and powerful figure at present.

In his book, "The Audacity of Hope", President Barack Obama, highlighted his struggles and how he was able to woo people over to himself, especially those who didn't necessarily subscribe to his policies, due to the obstacles posed by his colour. Yet, his UPSs were enough to surmount such stereotypical bottlenecks.

In the bible, there are numerous examples of people, who were naturally gifted by God, and others who had to discover their unique qualities. Joseph was a dreamer, Job, a man of great integrity and faith, King Solomon was a man of great wisdom and women-wooing abilities, and many distinguished individuals in the scriptures. However, Moses the prophet, was not confident in his speaking abilities, until God Almighty was able to instil that believe he didn't realise he had in him. In the end, he was able to accomplish that which God purposed for him. Today, you too can do the same.

What more can I say? Brethrens, we all have unique qualities which most do not use often. In the majority of times, we are too busy admiring others and cheering them on, instead of spending time to develop and master ours. If you want that dream job, a promotion, to develop a successful business, or any area of improvement in your life, then you have to foster the habit of harnessing your USPs more often. Because, by doing this, you will become limitless and unstoppable in all your endeavors.

Finally, I leave you with five tips to help develop your USPs. They are as follows;
  • Self-discovery (important).
  • Use compliments as indicators.
  • Engage and develop your hidden/burning passion(s), and that which makes you tick.
  • Identify those hidden qualities, which are not immediately apparent to you.
  • Surrounding yourself with genuine individuals who can help spot your unique qualities and encourage their usage.

In my life, I have had to apply the above pointers, and the results are remarkable. My passion is what I focus on and in doing so, I feel a deep sense of happiness devoid of any regrets. Remember, to seek God Almighty in all you do. HE does not seek a perfect being, but a humble and willing heart, he elevates. (James 4:10) What's your USP?

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