Wednesday 17 April 2013

Action brings forth Reaction (Success)

Newton's third law of motion can be rephrased as, "an action brings about an equal and opposite reaction." Today, this law is so evident and undoubtedly applies to the decisions individuals as independently-minded entities make on a daily basis. 

Are you making decisions and taking steps that will enrich/enhance your life in the long term? Believe it or not, the truth is that most life altering decisions we make begins with a series of forethoughts, which is borne out of the need for changes in individual's current situation. In actual fact, humans are never contented with their possessions and very often desires more. This is definitely a healthy appetite to have and mostly spurred us to attain greater heights in life. 

Thus, if you've always yearned for greater accomplishments in life, then begin by taking baby steps, and you will find out that gradually your strides will begin to yield success. In the world we live in today, it demands both audacity and courage if you are to excel at the highest level in whatever field you belong. 

Always remember that it is not enough to have big dreams, but to initiate the details of your dreams. In addition, use your dreams as a catapult to success and become a winner in all your endeavors. 

"Remember, the action you take today will determine the reaction or outcome you receive tomorrow."

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