Welcome to my blog. Here, you will find topics, stories, and life-changing tools that will help you accomplish the changes you desire to overcome and succeed in life. Buy my life-changing book, STEP UP and STAND OUT. Sit back, enjoy reading and unveil the best version of yourself.
Wednesday, 25 December 2013
Sunday, 22 December 2013
Best Motivational video - The Power of fear 2013
The year 2014 is almost here. Now, if you have a plan to embark on a new project, business or career, don't allow the stifling 'power of fear' to preclude you from achieving your target. Keep your eyes firmly focused on the ball, and to help you do that, I bring you another inspirational topic called 'THE POWER OF FEAR'. Remember, if you are aware of this, and can harness it, your life will never be the same in 2014 and beyond.
Saturday, 19 October 2013
When I woke up today, the actualisation
of my dreams, aspirations, and business ideas, were just some of the many things
that came to mind. Moreover, a quiet voice spoke to me (not literally), and all
I heard, was that it will all come to bear in 'the appointed time'. This I
believe was the voice of God, and not of the enemy. Because, HE [God] is not a
man that He should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: he hath
said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?
(Numbers 23:19).
Suddenly, it dawned on me, how tricky
and complacent we often get sometimes. Therefore, with this in mind, I said
silently in my heart, 'you better not get carried away, and neither detract
from the course that your creator [God Almighty] has kindly, mercifully, and
wholeheartedly, carved for you. Need I say more? I dare not, and cannot begin
to contemplate the consequences thereof.
Peradventure, with all the infinite
pitfalls, uncertainties, and tumultuous occurrences we have often become
accustomed to in life, only if we could take a step back, and intricately assess
our lives, from an objective standpoint. Then, and maybe then, you will begin
to understand that, in reality, things are not just the way they are. In fact,
nothing that we see in existence today, came to be or are controlled by the so
called 'God particle'. However, if you subscribe to this school of thought,
then you are living in the 'stone-age', and need to rethink your position. It
may come as a surprise to you, that, the world has since moved on, and continue
to do so.
There are principles which governs all
things in life, and these principles are not relative. In that, irrespective of
race, creed, or cultural affiliation, its influence is felt. For example, when
you sleep in the night, you are expected to wake up in the morning. So, now, is
this a privilege only extended to the rich or people of a particular social
class? Far from it. It is simply the way nature [God Almighty] had intended it
to be. So, our adherence to principles is key to our survival in our present
The same applies to these three
pillars of life, which are, 'wisdom, knowledge, and understanding'. But, be mindful
of any misconceptions, because, if God Almighty is omitted from these three
pillars, they immediately lose their meaning, and potency. In the book of
Proverbs 4 verse 7, the LORD stated that, "Wisdom is supreme - so acquire
wisdom, and whatever you acquire, acquire understanding". In fact, the
aforementioned, in its entirety, laid tremendous emphasis on the pertinence of embracing
Godly wisdom, comprehension, the power of discernment, and more. So, where you
are at the moment in life or what people say about your situation, is not
You see, the scriptures rightly stated
in Hosea 4:6, that, "My people perish (or destroyed]), due to the absence
of [Godly] knowledge (or vision)". Dear reader, there is an appointed time
for everything in life. You are not where you are by choice, but, guided by
Godly principles, which orchestrates our actions and position in life, whether
you like it or not.
I know that we all have aspirations,
and ambitions in life. In my personal life, I often ponder on my achievements,
and the herculean task of taking it into new territories. However, with my
knowledge, and understanding of the power that God Almighty has engrained in
me, I consider myself to be simply 'limitless'. So, in your life, and in
whatever you do, always have it firmly engrossed at the back of your mind, that
you may not be there yet, but, you will soon attain that dream you never
thought was at all possible. Because, there is no impossibility when God
Almighty is involved.
In actual fact, those who have already
written you off today, will return and embrace you for the remarkable 'U-turns'
they see occurring in your life. So, my friends, be patient, embrace hard work,
and be persistent, in all your endeavours. Sooner
than expected, your story will surely change for the better, and, in your
appointed time, you will become a force to be reckoned with. Finally,
irrespective of the magnitude of your dreams, and the monumental preclusions in
your way, remember, God Almighty, is the only One with the finally say, not
your friends, haters or otherwise. To confirm this, HE [God Almighty] said,
that. "I know my plans for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you,
and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".
Need I say more? Guess not. In your
appointed time, you will find success, and the fulfilment of the purpose that
God has set for you.
Never stop until you succeed***
Dr Dickson Aleroh (Ph.D)
Sunday, 15 September 2013
Want to be influential, wealthy, healthy, prosperous, happy, successful, and live an all round fulfilled lifestyle? Do you know that there is something that you need to do that you may have been omitting, or perhaps haven't given much thought to, that will make your journey there quicker, and sustainable?
You see, it is undeniably true that, the above are some and more of those things that all well-meaning humans widely seek (to put it simply). However, there is often a arrant reluctance, and lackadaisical feeling within most to take those concrete steps that those who have already accomplished some or a combination of the above, had taken.
I'm sure that, I am talking to someone here today; yes, YOU reading this right now! Always dreaming about something big, or a place that you would like to be, with no real motivation, and impetus to take that ONE important step that will get you there. Maybe it is you, who have a successful neighbour, but, instead of using their achievements as a drive to want to attain yours, rather, you simply begin to hate, and despise them for no justifiable reason. Wake up now before you pass your self-by-date.
"A man who seeks to excavate diamonds from the ground, must first do his homework properly". In order words, what you do to get to your very own place of dream matters a great deal. Or else, all dreams that remains idle is tantamount to sure failure. Although, failure is not necessarily a bad thing, but, 'giving up' is. The latter is what most do today, and will continue to remain mentally, socially, and economically impoverished in so doing.
Now, have you thought of the word, IMMERSE? Take a minute to ponder on it. Does this word mean anything to you? Well, this is one simple, but, potent secret to success (whatever it means to you) in most areas of our lives.
To immerse oneself, is to involve deeply in an activity. My friend, this will change your life for the better, if you put it into practice more often.
It could be that your dream is to become a highly successful lawyer, doctor, engineer, professor, politician, business tycoon, movie star, artist, sports personality, public speaker, or what have you. YES YOU CAN! But, the secret is to IMMERSE yourself with diligence, in those activities that those who are prospering in your chosen field had to do, in order to get to where they are today.
Search within, the power to succeed is you, and remember, NEVER STOP UNTIL YOU SUCCEED.
(c) Dr Dickson ALEROH (a.k.a Dr.MotivateMe)
Watch out for the video on IMMERSION, coming out soon. #winner #immerseforsuccess #success #Winningways #Motivation.
You see, it is undeniably true that, the above are some and more of those things that all well-meaning humans widely seek (to put it simply). However, there is often a arrant reluctance, and lackadaisical feeling within most to take those concrete steps that those who have already accomplished some or a combination of the above, had taken.
I'm sure that, I am talking to someone here today; yes, YOU reading this right now! Always dreaming about something big, or a place that you would like to be, with no real motivation, and impetus to take that ONE important step that will get you there. Maybe it is you, who have a successful neighbour, but, instead of using their achievements as a drive to want to attain yours, rather, you simply begin to hate, and despise them for no justifiable reason. Wake up now before you pass your self-by-date.
"A man who seeks to excavate diamonds from the ground, must first do his homework properly". In order words, what you do to get to your very own place of dream matters a great deal. Or else, all dreams that remains idle is tantamount to sure failure. Although, failure is not necessarily a bad thing, but, 'giving up' is. The latter is what most do today, and will continue to remain mentally, socially, and economically impoverished in so doing.
Now, have you thought of the word, IMMERSE? Take a minute to ponder on it. Does this word mean anything to you? Well, this is one simple, but, potent secret to success (whatever it means to you) in most areas of our lives.
To immerse oneself, is to involve deeply in an activity. My friend, this will change your life for the better, if you put it into practice more often.
It could be that your dream is to become a highly successful lawyer, doctor, engineer, professor, politician, business tycoon, movie star, artist, sports personality, public speaker, or what have you. YES YOU CAN! But, the secret is to IMMERSE yourself with diligence, in those activities that those who are prospering in your chosen field had to do, in order to get to where they are today.
Search within, the power to succeed is you, and remember, NEVER STOP UNTIL YOU SUCCEED.
(c) Dr Dickson ALEROH (a.k.a Dr.MotivateMe)
Watch out for the video on IMMERSION, coming out soon. #winner #immerseforsuccess #success #Winningways #Motivation.
Sunday, 4 August 2013
Waiting for the Light at the End of the Tunnel
if you plan to achieve positions of monumental significance in life, that would
cause even your greatest adversary to 'take note', be it in your personal life,
a career pursuit, or perhaps a business venture, then you need to comprehend
and be willing to cultivate the virtue called 'PATIENCE'. It may sound
simplistic, but the truth of the matter is that the majority of individuals in
the present day still lack or are often unwilling to embrace this life changing
see, life, like many areas of our existence, is a process which holds great
mysteries that only those with an unflinching focus will understand. Not only
focus, but, a gift of discernment of things that are not immediately apparent
to the common mind. I don't know about you, but, to me the understanding of
tricks of life greatly excites me, and is one of the secret keys to
is always in the habit of testing us to the extent that we sometimes feel the
need to cave in (that is, 'Your Threshold'), and no matter which part of the world
you reside in, the story is often similar (fact!). Moreover, if you find
yourself in mundane situations, which bears the hallmarks of destitution, be
not weary.
things happen for a reason, and nature [God Almighty] has purposed it to be so.
I am a living witness of this, as many of you are. In fact, we are all in this
cocoon of persistent struggle and directionless existence, from which we must
all break free, and begin ascending to that place to contentment.
that as it may, sufferings, struggles, pains, and diverse trials will come your
way. However, this is to strength your character and to prepare you for the
victories that lay ahead. This is the light at the end of the tunnel, and one
which we all have to wait for. Many today have given up, and in most extreme
cases, committed suicide, before the final whistle goes off. Unbeknown to them
that, victory is only a step ahead, and very much within reach.
there is always light at the end of every tunnel of difficulty you find yourself.
It could be that you want to be in a special place, attain a better position,
live a fulfilling life, get a better job, transform your failing business into
a profitable one, enhance your personal image, defy people's perception about
you, be rid of insecurities, or other areas, which may all seem unattainable at
remember that your creator has created you with a definitive purpose, whose
course cannot be altered by irrefutable antagonism and obstacles. So, be
thankful for your current situation, stay focused, learn to improvise, work
harder, keep seeking opportunities without fear of rejection, and above all, exercise
patience in the knowledge that God has purposed you to succeed in the face of sure
God Almighty continue to expand our wisdom, and understanding of the mysteries
of life, so we can best make use of the knowledge we have come to know.
By Dr Dickson Aleroh
Sunday, 30 June 2013
Importance of life's Parallels

You may think you know it all, but there are things that only heavenly knowledge can reveal to you. For starters, pay careful attention to those things that seem apparent and those that requires an intricate study. Everything you see around you, is not what they seem (think about it).
Not all people can be successful and indeed, we are not all destined to fail. Do you know that there is need for good and evil to co-exist alongside each other, despite their extremities? Have you ever wondered why you experience a period of suffering and then increase? Why are there ups and downs in your life? Are these for a purpose? Yes, of course. As the saying goes, "there is no smoke without fire". In the same light, certain parallels exist in life to establish an equilibrium in the status quo.
To every problem, there is always a solution. But, there are secrets you need to understand, that will give you that competitive advantage to add to your winning formula today.
Want to know more? Then watch out for my book (coming soon).
Stay bless and be motivated.
Sunday, 2 June 2013
The concept of change is akin to a new
adventure, with no definitive idea of what it entails or the eventualities to
expect in the end. Just like a tunnel, when you enter from one end, the only
thing to expect on the other end is a light and an opening. Sometimes we seek
changes in a particular area of our lives for various reasons. It could be that
you are not contented and therefore, find yourself in a state of dichotomy with
either your current job, relationship, career direction, calibre of friends, appearance
(or specific features), spirituality, sense of direction, health and wellbeing,
level of achievement, or perhaps other areas.
the nature of the changes you seek, remember that it begins with you and change
in itself is borne out of a burning "desire and passion" within us,
and a sudden realisation that you are not where you ought to be in life. Moreover,
stagnation and monotony are just two pivotal causes of unfulfilment in many
situations today. Furthermore, the very notion that you are at your wits end,
and there seems to be no more room to manoeuvre in your current position is
enough to kick start that in-depth desire for betterment or alternative
many individuals tend to seek changes to better their future, whilst others
cannot find the impulsion to conceive such thought, even if they are apparently
not comfortable with their current state. In the majority of times, they
regularly complain to family and friends about the magnitude of their discontentment.
On the other hand, to some individuals, the idea of change scares the living daylight
out of them, and are apprehensive at the mention of the word. The truth is that
change is healthy and you can never have too much of a healthy thing.
Turning changes into reality
President Barack Obama realised the need
for change in his country's governance and economic situations, and could see
through the eyes of his electors the desperate desire for one. As a result, he once
asserted that, "change will not come
if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been
waiting for. We are the change we seek." This is so true, in that the
changes we seek has to begin with "us". In other words, for you to
change your situation, you have to first rediscover yourself. You cannot just
sit idle and hope that, that poor status of yours will be transformed
overnight. Surprise! Surprise! It won't happen in a million years. Therefore,
the onus is on you to put in work and, hard work for that matter.
the corporate world, companies who constantly implement changes in their mode
of operation, product line/ideas and services, are often more competitive,
profitable, and survive in the long run. They often have to diversify their
portfolio, and diversification is change in itself. Think about this for a
moment, why are electronic giants like Apple and Samsung, more profitable than
others, such as, Blackberry, Nokia and Motorola? An why do they feel the need
to introduce new technologies within 3 to 6 months of launching a previous
model? The answer is to stave off competition, by researching and implementing
changes in line with the constantly changing tastes, and lifestyles of
consumers around the world. Today, most companies invest heavily in customer surveys
and other research tools, to help determine what changes or modifications are
necessary to keep ahead of the competition.
same has to apply to us individuals. We cannot continue to do things the old
way and expect any marked difference(s) in our situations. Importantly, you
should begin by making little adjustments here and there, and you have to want
the change for it to begin to germinate into tangible results. Be
"proactive, consistent and resilient" in your endeavour to bring
about positive changes in your life. However, it will not happen if you try too
hard or move too fast. One has to exercise patience, take things one step at a
time, analyse your situation properly, and try to envision the end-goal.
Sometimes, by visualising the expected outcome(s) can serve as a great
motivational tool to want to initiate a change in the first instance.
For a moment, ask yourself preying questions, like, where do I really want to be? Although, one may have studied medicine (for instance) at the University, but is being a medic your true passion? Can I do better in another field? Why am I in this predicament? How did I get to this dampened state? Am I truly happy with my current situation? Can I push myself that extra mile? Will a change solve my problems? This is called self-assessment, and one that we all need to do at least once in a year. It's tantamount to going to the hospital for a routine health check. Because, If you foster such, then you are certainly on your way to living a happy and fulfilling lifestyle.
"Change is inevitable whether you like it or not, you may not seek it today, but life surely has a tricky way of throwing up situations that will cause you to reassess your position." So, why wait for such times, when you could do it now.
Sunday, 26 May 2013
What's Your Unique Selling Point (USP)

The term "unique selling point
(a.k.a unique selling proposition - USP)" was first coined by the "so
called" pioneer of television advertising, Rosser Reeves in the 1940s. In
fact, the term USP was a marketing concept widely used in the business world, and
is purposed to aid consumers to make informed decisions whether or not to
purchase a particular product(s), based on a number of distinctive benefits highlighted
in adverts by competing brands. Thus, a poorly advertised product would inadvertently
have adverse repercussions on the company's hard-earned reputation, and ultimately
undermine the likelihood of prospective customers to ever patronise them in
the future. This highlights the imperativeness of knowing and harnessing one's USPs when presented with the opportunity.
Similarly, the same applies to
individuals from various social and cultural persuasions, who rarely utilise this concept to their advantage at job interviews, business engagements, social
interactions, relationships (dating), and other areas. Believe it or not, if
you don't know your USPs and how best to use them effectively, then I'm
afraid to say that you are at a disadvantage.
First impressions they say, last
longer. So, ask yourself this question, what are those noticeable features,
qualities, skills or attributes, which sets you apart from others? What makes
you stand out from the crowd? Are you a leader or a follower? Surprisingly, your
USP can be something as trivial as an overwhelmingly beautiful smile, your
carriage, your mannerism, or even your fashion style.
can we learn from nature? Do you know that "cooking"
is one of many key skills that is unique only to humans? Why is it that no
other creature has been able to master this vital capability? Without such
skill, we would all be predominantly vegans, cannibals or both, as most animals
in the wild are today. Therefore, cooking is an example of our collective USP.
How can you identify your USP? Have you attempted to discover your
USP or do you already have one (or more) that you would like to further enhance?
Interestingly, we are all unique in different ways. Unfortunately, while others
are experts, some individuals are not natural in harnessing their God-given USPs
to their advantage. If you find yourself in this category, you should seriously
begin by engaging yourself more often. In other words, get to know those things
about yourself that you are complemented on the most, and when you are
confident enough, you should start mastering and displaying them more in
various situations. This is what I call your "vantage point".
During the 2008 US presidential
election, Barack Obama generated such huge buzz, after coming from an underdog to a clear
favourite. Nevertheless, he was not elected because he was the smartest of all the
candidates who stood for election that year, but, simply due to the fact that he
was able to allow his UPSs to shine through, and as a result we were all immediately captivated
by his unrivalled presentation skills, distinctive smile, swagger, humble
upbringing, integrity, and likeable personality. He is now arguably the most
recognisable and powerful figure at present.
In his book, "The Audacity of Hope", President
Barack Obama, highlighted his struggles and how he was able to woo people over
to himself, especially those who didn't necessarily subscribe to his policies,
due to the obstacles posed by his colour. Yet, his UPSs were enough to surmount
such stereotypical bottlenecks.
In the bible, there are numerous
examples of people, who were naturally gifted by God, and others who had to
discover their unique qualities. Joseph was a dreamer, Job, a man of great
integrity and faith, King Solomon was a man of great wisdom and women-wooing
abilities, and many distinguished individuals in the scriptures. However, Moses
the prophet, was not confident in his speaking abilities, until God Almighty
was able to instil that believe he didn't realise he had in him. In the end, he was
able to accomplish that which God purposed for him. Today, you too can do the
What more can I say? Brethrens, we all
have unique qualities which most do not use often. In the majority of times, we are too busy admiring others and cheering them on, instead of
spending time to develop and master ours. If you want that dream job, a
promotion, to develop a successful business, or any area of improvement in your life, then you have to foster the habit of harnessing your USPs more often.
Because, by doing this, you will become limitless and unstoppable in all your endeavors.
Finally, I leave you with five tips to
help develop your USPs. They are as follows;
- Self-discovery (important).
- Use compliments as indicators.
- Engage and develop your hidden/burning passion(s), and that which makes you tick.
- Identify those hidden qualities, which are not immediately apparent to you.
- Surrounding yourself with genuine individuals who can help spot your unique qualities and encourage their usage.
In my life, I have had to apply the above pointers, and the results are remarkable. My passion is what I focus on and in doing so, I feel a deep sense of happiness devoid of any regrets. Remember, to seek God Almighty in all
you do. HE does not seek a perfect being, but a humble and willing heart, he
elevates. (James 4:10) What's your USP?
Sunday, 12 May 2013
Transforming Dreams into Success

Often times, it is not the case that we lack the capacity to transform the contents or the desired parts of our dreams into fruition, but, there are stumbling blocks (or preclusions) in the way that prevents this from happening. These could be the absence of meaningful passion, desire, unwillingness to take risk, dampened motivation, complacency, and the lack of proactive efforts to actively decipher and begin to implement those important moves that will enable you to achieve success.
An interesting quote by Dr Martin Luther jr. stated that,
“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
This quote is particularly relevant in the sense that, many people today make excuses as to the reasons why they are unable to put their dreams into motion and to convert them into profitable ventures. I ask, why wallow in sufferings and persistent complaints about your boss treating you unfairly, your pay packet not improving (or only rising by minimal margins), and the monotonous nature of your current job? It is because, most people failing to work on their dreams, and make them mere "idle hopes". On the other hand, many people seems to believe that one could start a business and immediately begin to yield billions in 1 to 2 years. When, in reality, this is not often the situation. To compound this further, in a recent survey, it was shown that 1 in 3 business start-ups fail in their first 3 years, which is a staggering statistics to note.

Finally, always bear in mind that from the beginning of creation we were all equipped with the in-built ability to create things, and this quality need to be harnessed more often. Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Blackberry, Samsung, and the likes, did not attain prominence in a day, it began with a dream and then the creation of various modules and the rest is history. Therefore, it is inconsequential how great or magnificent your dreams are, the most important factor is how you're able to convert them into success and enrich your life.
Sunday, 5 May 2013
Yearn for More

Wait! Be not afraid and don't be drowned by adverse thoughts or self-pity. In fact, there are certain life changes that are required to enable you to find that place you so much yearn for. But, this would require a lot of devotion and hard work, which should be devoid of any lacklusterness.
As Jim Rohn stated in one of his business lectures, that, "you can have more than you've got, because, you can become more than you are."You see, sometimes in life, "self-appraisal" is a necessary barometer to gauge one's state of fulfilment. Moreover, today, a lot of individuals often shy away from this simple principle, but, rather wallow in all sorts.

Furthermore, if you are of a particular religious persuasion (here, I focus on christianity), seek the help of God Almighty and you will find clarity and begin to carve your way to success and to that target which you yearn for. Now, "if you could have more, why settle for less." There is more to life than you think, so always yearn for more.
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
Overcome Fear
This is a continuation of my motivational series on "FEAR". It is an established fact that, the latter is an obstacle to unlock and harness our innermost and absolute potentials. Nonetheless, in the majority of cases, most people seem to lack (or are unwilling to obtain) the vital skill sets required to master the art of overcoming fear.
That is not to say that some fears are not rational. As a matter of fact, some key fears were deliberately ingrained within the human fabric from birth, so as to make us more aware and conscious of the dangers around us. However, as we approach adulthood, some fears (or the so called "phobias") begin to surface due to misconceptions gained from external influences. As the great and knowledgeable Dr Martin Luther King Jr. once famously orated that,
I am pretty sure that we can all extract some sense from the above statement by Dr King Jr. Therefore, it is simple, learn to harness and master your fear, and you will surely notice a positive change in your life.
Now, here are 7 important nuggets to hold on to in your quest to overcoming and mastering your fears.

"Normal fear protects us, abnormal fear motivates us to want to improve our individual and collective welfare, abnormal fear poisons and distorts our inner lives. Our problem is not to be rid of fear, but to harness and master it."

- Audacity: This is perhaps the most important prerequisites of all. Many people would agree that, to be able to achieve any feet in life, one has to possess an unflinching audacity. Without which, most will never be able to stand up to their deep-seated fears.
- Self-determination: Like in many areas of life, be it education or otherwise, self-determination is crucial. Do you remember how you felt, when you first embarked on you driving journey? I am sure you were resolute in your determination to master it, and eventually, become a professional. This same analogy can be applied when trying to overcome fear. For determination fuels our desires, which in-turn greatly increases one's chances of attaining success.
- Self-motivation: The motivation to achieve a particular goal in life is a paramount catalyst, needed to make that first move and crucially, to keep the ball rolling. For a car to successfully move from one point to another, the driver first need to start the ignition and then apply the correct gear, and most important, accelerate. The acceleration serves to motivate the car to attain mobility. Therefore, try to be motivated or do things that will bring about this.
- Courage: In order to overcome any insecurities (including, "fear") you may have, courage is necessary. Most people with known difficulties often aren't willing to confront them head-on, because, they simply cannot garner enough courage to do so. Martin Luther King Jr stated that, "We must build dikes of courage to hold back the flood of fear."

- Practise: As the saying goes, "practise makes perfect." This is so true, in the sense that in order to master your fears, you need to adopt the culture of constant practise or whenever the opportunity arises. The bottom line is that, no one can master anything without persistent practising.
- Self-believe: This is a powerful attribute to have, if you don't already. If you do not believe in yourself, no one else will. In order to climb a mountain, a climber has to first believe that he or she has the capability to surmount it. Moreover, this is also applicable to the area of fear, in that, the latter sow a negative belief within us, in order to deny us the opportunity to attempt some things in life. Therefore, begin to believe in your capacity to overcome your worst fears.
- Support: I cannot stress this enough, it is imperative to foster a sustainable support network or environment, whilst trying to overcome fear. We all need someone to encourage us and this could be friend, family member or others. Remember, a supportive environment provides a fertile ground for positivity and success to flourish.

Although, there are other recommendations published in many literatures for overcoming various fears, you should always remember that, the secret to achieving this is within in each and every one of us. But, it is our individual responsibility to harness our inner powers in this regard. So, what's holding you back?
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
FEAR: An illusion of the mind
Fear is undoubtedly the most common emotion we all share. President
Franklin Roosevelt once famously stated that, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself." The
truth of the matter is that we all have an innate fear of some sort within us, but
some individuals are better at disguising theirs than others.
Most people often confuse fear with phobia, when in actual fact they are very different in definition. Fear is considered as an anxious emotion which induces a belief that something or a situation is dangerous or represent a threat of pain or harm. On the other hand, a phobia is simply an irrational fear of something or an imaginative situation.

many relationships today, women are defamed in the way of physical abuse and
often too afraid to leave such abusive partners/husbands, all under the guise of family cohesion. In your place of
work, you may be experiencing bullying and discrimination from colleagues. As a
result, you begin to question your worth and capabilities.
remember the saying that, "what the mind
can mind can conceive the man can do it." Fear itself is like an
imaginary brick wall, to overcome it, you have to break through it.
Stay focused and be persistent on your way to defeating your worst fears.
Dr Dickson Aleroh
Most people often confuse fear with phobia, when in actual fact they are very different in definition. Fear is considered as an anxious emotion which induces a belief that something or a situation is dangerous or represent a threat of pain or harm. On the other hand, a phobia is simply an irrational fear of something or an imaginative situation.
There are many kinds of fear, which psychologists categorised into 5 sections upon which all our "supposed"
fears are formed. These are;
ü Ego-death:
Fear of shame, humiliation, loss of integrity, and self-disapproval. "Fear
of the disintegration of one's constructed sense of worth and ability.
This covers, public speaking, social exclusion, and reclusiveness.
ü Extinction:
Fear of ceasing to exist or annihilation. This covers the phobia of height, insects,
and the like.
ü Loss of Autonomy:
Fear of the loss of independence, immobility, smothering, entrapment or loss of control
of circumstances. This encompasses relationships and illness.
ü Mutilation:
Fear of the loss of precious body parts. This covers the fear of being attacked
by animals, insects, and others.
ü Separation:
Fear of being separated from loved ones, rejection, abandonment, and isolation.
Fear has many origins, but worth
highlighting are the "environmental"
and "human" factors involved, which
are most prevalent today. You see, I was brought up by family members who due to
their troubles in life went about inflicting fear into my mind as a child.
Often times, I was made to believe that I was not worth much, and as a result
was deprived of self-expression of my opinions in relation to various issues.
If I dared to rebel, their final resort was persistent punishment in the way of
floggings until I pass out. Eventually, this had a profound effect on my
psychological make-up and ultimately, my confidence and socio-interactive skills. So we ought to be mindful of the kind of discipline you dish out to your children and never submit yourselves
to undue humiliation.

In addition, in our day-to-day
engagements, we sometimes are too afraid to take risks, not knowing that without
risk, success is but a distant memory. Do you want to start a new business? a
new course? a new careers? Go for it and don't let "FEAR" deter you.
"Fear will cripple your dreams if you allow it, so I decided to face my fear head-on, and so can you today."

Stay focused and be persistent on your way to defeating your worst fears.
Dr Dickson Aleroh
Action brings forth Reaction (Success)
Newton's third law of motion can be rephrased as, "an action brings about an equal and opposite reaction." Today, this law is so evident and undoubtedly applies to the decisions individuals as independently-minded entities make on a daily basis.
Are you making decisions and taking steps that will enrich/enhance your life in the long term? Believe it or not, the truth is that most life altering decisions we make begins with a series of forethoughts, which is borne out of the need for changes in individual's current situation. In actual fact, humans are never contented with their possessions and very often desires more. This is definitely a healthy appetite to have and mostly spurred us to attain greater heights in life.
Thus, if you've always yearned for greater accomplishments in life, then begin by taking baby steps, and you will find out that gradually your strides will begin to yield success. In the world we live in today, it demands both audacity and courage if you are to excel at the highest level in whatever field you belong.
Always remember that it is not enough to have big dreams, but to initiate the details of your dreams. In addition, use your dreams as a catapult to success and become a winner in all your endeavors.
"Remember, the action you take today will determine the reaction or outcome you receive tomorrow."
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Finding your identity
This is a topic that would readily resonate amongst many folks around the world today. It may not have occurred to you that every individual grew up (or should grow up) with an "identity". One which would ultimately shape the psychological architecture of any individual, from birth through to adulthood.
Some of these encompasses (although, not limited to) his or her;
- Mannerism.
- Confidence in tackling issues.
- Integrity.
- Behavioral tendencies.
- Personality traits.
- Life choices.
- Susceptibilities.
- Career options.
- Social interactional capabilities.
- Manner of associates and relationships.
- Level of ambition.
- Adaptability.
- Emotiveness and affection.
- Successful indulgences an endeavors.
- Social and economic status.
As a child, growing up in a developing country in west Africa, where age-old traditions and cultural demands overshadows the preservation of certain pivotal and unalienable rights, our parents/guardians often hide behind the delusion of keeping to the tenets of such rigid and archaic system of nurturing their younger generation.
Nonetheless, besides the impact of tradition and culture on an individual's upbringing, the environment in which this occurs is also paramount. This reverts to the issue of establishing an identity, because the environment in which you were nurtured would inadvertently play a decisive role in the advance stages of life.
Now, what is an identity and how do you identify yours?
This is a question that often baffles me and I have had to ponder on it many times, since I lost my father during my childhood and has since lost a mental picture of who he was. Perhaps not all, some of the memories I still recall are of a man who exuded greatness, embraced unconditional love, fidelity, steadfastness, resilience and hard work without faltering.

To me, my father was my identity, defined as a groups of characteristics which makes you an individual and sets you apart from others. In other words, your identity defines you and brings out some distinctive qualities which can only be attributed to you. An identity can be adopted from different areas of life, and makes you who you are.

Many youths and adults of the present day are disenfranchised and directionless because they lack an "identity". Maybe you the reader or someone close to you may also lack the same and your actions reflects this. Don't frightt, find a good role model and start learning to develop your identity, because your ultimate identity is within you.
"I found my identity in me, have you?"
Happy reading.....
Dr Dickson Aleroh (Motivate Me)
Saturday, 30 March 2013
Jesus - conqueror in humility - An Easter Special
Happy Easter and a blessed morning (or whatever time it is in your current timezone at present) to you all.
To all believers, it is undoubtedly true that our LORD JESUS CHRIST died for us and rose in the third day, as detailed in the scriptures (Matthew 17:22-24; 16:21, Mark 9:30; 8:31, and Luke 9:22; 18:31-32). This is a joyful incidence, because with his death, the sins of mankind also died, (Colossians 1:21-22) and by his resurrection, death was defeated for eternity. Moreover, generations to follow were redeemed from the clutches of sin and death. (1 Thessalonians 5:10, and John 3:16) Although, we will all die someday, it is only temporary, and as Christ resurrected, so shall we be brought back to life again to be with him in glory.
As a matter of fact, HIS death rescued us from the wrath to come - 1 Thessalonians 1:10. So today HE is very much alive and therein lies
our hope and joy.
My dear friends, amongst you may lie a believer, an agnostic or an atheist. Nonetheless, there is a lot to be learnt from this sad, yet glorious event. Most important, Christ demonstrated humility by subjecting himself to such defamatory and pernicious treatment at the hands of common men. But, in the end HE was victorious through HIS resurrection, and glory to GOD ALMIGHTY death was defeated forever.
Today, we are free from death, for those who are smart enough to comprehend the meaning thereof. Be happy and merry for Christ the undisputed REDEEMER lives and dwells amongst his followers.
"Humility will make us conquerors and victorious in all areas of our lives." For God exalts a humble man with honor - James 4:10.
Remember, to always seek him despite your imperfections and he will always answer you if you are sincere.
God Bless.
Dr Dickson Aleroh (Motivate Me)
To all believers, it is undoubtedly true that our LORD JESUS CHRIST died for us and rose in the third day, as detailed in the scriptures (Matthew 17:22-24; 16:21, Mark 9:30; 8:31, and Luke 9:22; 18:31-32). This is a joyful incidence, because with his death, the sins of mankind also died, (Colossians 1:21-22) and by his resurrection, death was defeated for eternity. Moreover, generations to follow were redeemed from the clutches of sin and death. (1 Thessalonians 5:10, and John 3:16) Although, we will all die someday, it is only temporary, and as Christ resurrected, so shall we be brought back to life again to be with him in glory.

our hope and joy.
My dear friends, amongst you may lie a believer, an agnostic or an atheist. Nonetheless, there is a lot to be learnt from this sad, yet glorious event. Most important, Christ demonstrated humility by subjecting himself to such defamatory and pernicious treatment at the hands of common men. But, in the end HE was victorious through HIS resurrection, and glory to GOD ALMIGHTY death was defeated forever.
Today, we are free from death, for those who are smart enough to comprehend the meaning thereof. Be happy and merry for Christ the undisputed REDEEMER lives and dwells amongst his followers.
"Humility will make us conquerors and victorious in all areas of our lives." For God exalts a humble man with honor - James 4:10.
Remember, to always seek him despite your imperfections and he will always answer you if you are sincere.
God Bless.
Dr Dickson Aleroh (Motivate Me)
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