Wait! Be not afraid and don't be drowned by adverse thoughts or self-pity. In fact, there are certain life changes that are required to enable you to find that place you so much yearn for. But, this would require a lot of devotion and hard work, which should be devoid of any lacklusterness.
As Jim Rohn stated in one of his business lectures, that, "you can have more than you've got, because, you can become more than you are."You see, sometimes in life, "self-appraisal" is a necessary barometer to gauge one's state of fulfilment. Moreover, today, a lot of individuals often shy away from this simple principle, but, rather wallow in all sorts.

Furthermore, if you are of a particular religious persuasion (here, I focus on christianity), seek the help of God Almighty and you will find clarity and begin to carve your way to success and to that target which you yearn for. Now, "if you could have more, why settle for less." There is more to life than you think, so always yearn for more.
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