Take a look around you, what could you observe? Now, take a good look at yourself. Did you notice anything out of line? Yesterday, today and tomorrow share something in common. That is, TIME. The latter, has a lot of ingredients in it, and is certainly not your friend. A little slumber, a short pause in activity, it slowly slips away. Above all, there's something that all human actions in tend to leave behind. It's referred to as, 'TREND.'
There are events which many are not preview to or even partook in, that, has continued to hunt them till this very day, and will continue into the posterity, if not halted at some point in our quest for purposeful living. Many around the world today are bearing the scars and suffering from the consequences actioned by their ancestors.
Today, a lot of individuals have been subjected to rampant misfortunes, that are not of their own making. Many, spend their whole lives serving people from 8 am to 5 pm and sometimes longer, all in the name of, 'I want a job.' I was saddened to hear many consistently complain of their dislike for Mondays. Well, generations before you did lived exactly the same lifestyle that you are living right now. And guess what! You were trained and taught to do exactly, the same thing over and over again. So, all your life, you spend it in perpetual resentment. When will this stop and how?
Trends can be good or bad. Good in the sense that, you can continue to enjoy the prosperity of your ancestors. Because, at the some point in your lineage, someone made a decision to break some type of recurrent trend, and became fruitful and well accomplished in whatsoever they embark on. It could have been a business venture, an investment, a change in religion, reorientation of focus, a new name or what have you. But, that single action or decision bucked the trend and brought a new dimension into your future, today.
Well, our CREATOR [GOD ALMIGHTY] has clearly admonished us to, "Do not conform to the patterns [TRENDS] of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is." (NIV - Romans 12:2)
The above statement clearly placed the responsibility for breaking any trends squarely in your hands. You have to decide today that enough is enough. Refine your thought processes now, and make a conscious decision to want to do better than those before you. You can become wealthy and successful, even if you are the first in your family to aspire to such heights. God has made you to be beacon of hope to many and a light to your generation.
Albeit, that, the path to breaking that trend in your life may be riddled with numerous challenges, it's a must to imbibe the culture of prayer, perseverance, and sacrifice. In the end, it will all be worth your while.
Break the trend, Find Fulfilment, Live on Purpose.
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