Today's generation are beneficiaries of the opportunities
and privileges created by our hard-working ancestors, who made some often
difficult decisions and journeys many centuries ago. Yes, they lived through a
period where they had very little by the way of comfort, however, they didn't
mind at all. Their sole focus was the intended purpose of their journey.
A journey is a sacrifice that we all must make
someday and at some point in our lives.
"You have to do something out of the ordinary to attain prominence in life, and ensure that your generation don't have to."
It is during
these journeys that you will learn what is not usually taught in schools till
this day. You will encounter countless challenges, trials, and situations that
will eventually shape your outlook of life.
At some point in life, we need shaping and
preparation for the unforeseen. You don't get very far in life without them. After
all, gold will not be so attractive and valuable if it hadn't been put through some
of the most excruciating conditions there is.
Our journey comes in stages, and you have to be thoroughly
prepared for it. You prepare by learning from previous situations that will
test your character, patience and aptitude. Hence, why the journey is
Lonely as it may be, it is worth it in the end.
After all, name a great man or woman with great wealth and accomplishments who
had millions of friends backing them, or should I say, loyal friends.
"A wise man don't have a lot of friends, but, soldiers with divinely aligned dreams and goals."
Whether you believe it or not, you are already on a
journey, because, every single day you wake up, you initiate a new one again
and again. What's imperative is that you are learning to progress through some
often painful mistakes and failures made along the way.
"Men will fail you, but, God Almighty, will force the hands of your helper to do that which will favour you."
Give it all it will take to get to where you want to
be in life and sacrifice whilst you can or forever remain a servant to money and
those with plenty of it, for the rest of your life.
"The journey never ends. It only continues when you leave."
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