When I woke up today, the actualisation
of my dreams, aspirations, and business ideas, were just some of the many things
that came to mind. Moreover, a quiet voice spoke to me (not literally), and all
I heard, was that it will all come to bear in 'the appointed time'. This I
believe was the voice of God, and not of the enemy. Because, HE [God] is not a
man that He should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: he hath
said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?
(Numbers 23:19).
Suddenly, it dawned on me, how tricky
and complacent we often get sometimes. Therefore, with this in mind, I said
silently in my heart, 'you better not get carried away, and neither detract
from the course that your creator [God Almighty] has kindly, mercifully, and
wholeheartedly, carved for you. Need I say more? I dare not, and cannot begin
to contemplate the consequences thereof.
Peradventure, with all the infinite
pitfalls, uncertainties, and tumultuous occurrences we have often become
accustomed to in life, only if we could take a step back, and intricately assess
our lives, from an objective standpoint. Then, and maybe then, you will begin
to understand that, in reality, things are not just the way they are. In fact,
nothing that we see in existence today, came to be or are controlled by the so
called 'God particle'. However, if you subscribe to this school of thought,
then you are living in the 'stone-age', and need to rethink your position. It
may come as a surprise to you, that, the world has since moved on, and continue
to do so.
There are principles which governs all
things in life, and these principles are not relative. In that, irrespective of
race, creed, or cultural affiliation, its influence is felt. For example, when
you sleep in the night, you are expected to wake up in the morning. So, now, is
this a privilege only extended to the rich or people of a particular social
class? Far from it. It is simply the way nature [God Almighty] had intended it
to be. So, our adherence to principles is key to our survival in our present
The same applies to these three
pillars of life, which are, 'wisdom, knowledge, and understanding'. But, be mindful
of any misconceptions, because, if God Almighty is omitted from these three
pillars, they immediately lose their meaning, and potency. In the book of
Proverbs 4 verse 7, the LORD stated that, "Wisdom is supreme - so acquire
wisdom, and whatever you acquire, acquire understanding". In fact, the
aforementioned, in its entirety, laid tremendous emphasis on the pertinence of embracing
Godly wisdom, comprehension, the power of discernment, and more. So, where you
are at the moment in life or what people say about your situation, is not
You see, the scriptures rightly stated
in Hosea 4:6, that, "My people perish (or destroyed]), due to the absence
of [Godly] knowledge (or vision)". Dear reader, there is an appointed time
for everything in life. You are not where you are by choice, but, guided by
Godly principles, which orchestrates our actions and position in life, whether
you like it or not.
I know that we all have aspirations,
and ambitions in life. In my personal life, I often ponder on my achievements,
and the herculean task of taking it into new territories. However, with my
knowledge, and understanding of the power that God Almighty has engrained in
me, I consider myself to be simply 'limitless'. So, in your life, and in
whatever you do, always have it firmly engrossed at the back of your mind, that
you may not be there yet, but, you will soon attain that dream you never
thought was at all possible. Because, there is no impossibility when God
Almighty is involved.
In actual fact, those who have already
written you off today, will return and embrace you for the remarkable 'U-turns'
they see occurring in your life. So, my friends, be patient, embrace hard work,
and be persistent, in all your endeavours. Sooner
than expected, your story will surely change for the better, and, in your
appointed time, you will become a force to be reckoned with. Finally,
irrespective of the magnitude of your dreams, and the monumental preclusions in
your way, remember, God Almighty, is the only One with the finally say, not
your friends, haters or otherwise. To confirm this, HE [God Almighty] said,
that. "I know my plans for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you,
and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".
Need I say more? Guess not. In your
appointed time, you will find success, and the fulfilment of the purpose that
God has set for you.
Never stop until you succeed***
Dr Dickson Aleroh (Ph.D)