The concept of change is akin to a new
adventure, with no definitive idea of what it entails or the eventualities to
expect in the end. Just like a tunnel, when you enter from one end, the only
thing to expect on the other end is a light and an opening. Sometimes we seek
changes in a particular area of our lives for various reasons. It could be that
you are not contented and therefore, find yourself in a state of dichotomy with
either your current job, relationship, career direction, calibre of friends, appearance
(or specific features), spirituality, sense of direction, health and wellbeing,
level of achievement, or perhaps other areas.
the nature of the changes you seek, remember that it begins with you and change
in itself is borne out of a burning "desire and passion" within us,
and a sudden realisation that you are not where you ought to be in life. Moreover,
stagnation and monotony are just two pivotal causes of unfulfilment in many
situations today. Furthermore, the very notion that you are at your wits end,
and there seems to be no more room to manoeuvre in your current position is
enough to kick start that in-depth desire for betterment or alternative
many individuals tend to seek changes to better their future, whilst others
cannot find the impulsion to conceive such thought, even if they are apparently
not comfortable with their current state. In the majority of times, they
regularly complain to family and friends about the magnitude of their discontentment.
On the other hand, to some individuals, the idea of change scares the living daylight
out of them, and are apprehensive at the mention of the word. The truth is that
change is healthy and you can never have too much of a healthy thing.
Turning changes into reality
President Barack Obama realised the need
for change in his country's governance and economic situations, and could see
through the eyes of his electors the desperate desire for one. As a result, he once
asserted that, "change will not come
if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been
waiting for. We are the change we seek." This is so true, in that the
changes we seek has to begin with "us". In other words, for you to
change your situation, you have to first rediscover yourself. You cannot just
sit idle and hope that, that poor status of yours will be transformed
overnight. Surprise! Surprise! It won't happen in a million years. Therefore,
the onus is on you to put in work and, hard work for that matter.
the corporate world, companies who constantly implement changes in their mode
of operation, product line/ideas and services, are often more competitive,
profitable, and survive in the long run. They often have to diversify their
portfolio, and diversification is change in itself. Think about this for a
moment, why are electronic giants like Apple and Samsung, more profitable than
others, such as, Blackberry, Nokia and Motorola? An why do they feel the need
to introduce new technologies within 3 to 6 months of launching a previous
model? The answer is to stave off competition, by researching and implementing
changes in line with the constantly changing tastes, and lifestyles of
consumers around the world. Today, most companies invest heavily in customer surveys
and other research tools, to help determine what changes or modifications are
necessary to keep ahead of the competition.
same has to apply to us individuals. We cannot continue to do things the old
way and expect any marked difference(s) in our situations. Importantly, you
should begin by making little adjustments here and there, and you have to want
the change for it to begin to germinate into tangible results. Be
"proactive, consistent and resilient" in your endeavour to bring
about positive changes in your life. However, it will not happen if you try too
hard or move too fast. One has to exercise patience, take things one step at a
time, analyse your situation properly, and try to envision the end-goal.
Sometimes, by visualising the expected outcome(s) can serve as a great
motivational tool to want to initiate a change in the first instance.
a moment, ask yourself preying questions, like, where do I really want to be?
Although, one may have studied medicine (for instance) at the University, but
is being a medic your true passion? Can I do better in another field? Why am I
in this predicament? How did I get to this dampened state? Am I truly happy
with my current situation? Can I push myself that extra mile? Will a change
solve my problems? This is called self-assessment, and one that we all need to
do at least once in a year. It's tantamount to going to the hospital for a routine
health check. Because, If you foster such, then you are certainly on your way
to living a happy and fulfilling lifestyle.
"Change is inevitable whether you like it or not, you
may not seek it today, but life surely has a tricky way of throwing up
situations that will cause you to reassess your position." So, why wait for such
times, when you could do it now.